Events & Happenings


September 15
Boulder Creek Path History Tour via Bicycle
Led by local historian Dan Corson
Starts at Eben G Fine Park by shelter
FREE —Limited to 25 people

Register Here


Come join us for at the following Boulder Bike and Walk Month events

June 11: Accessible Boulder Symposium with Boulder Bike & Walk
Boulder Depot
5:00-7:30 pm

June 12: 3rd Annual Spectacular Bike Show with Boulder Bike & Walk
Rayback Collective
5:30-7:30 pm

June 30: 3rd Annual Public Art Bike Tour
11-1 pm

August 25: Boulder History Bike Tour
11-1 pm

October 18, 2018

Wonderland Creek Project Completion Ice Cream Social—5-6:30pm
Howard Heuston Park, 3200 34th Street, Boulder


September 14, 2018

2nd Annual Party for the Paths!

The good stewards at Shared Paths Boulder have put together another mighty Party for the Paths! Bring your friends to Moss Hollow on Friday, September 14, for an even BIGGER and better P4P:
More great BBQ and nibbles! More great local brews!
And crazy fun music including, New Orleans favorite The Iquanas! and local favorite Definitely Maryann . ( . . . and maybe even the beautiful and talented sisters of Flatiron Junction! )

Come dine, dance and donate! Help us celebrate our volunteers and champions, and hear about the amazing work of Shared Paths Boulder - and all we do to build community and safety on Boulder's Shared Paths.


August 5, 2018
Public Art Bike Tour, 10 am
Charles Haertling Sculpture Garden via Boulder Creek Path

Please join us as we weave on the Boulder Creek Path and the SharedPaths of Boulder grabbing an insightful view of public art in and around town. By traveling by bike, we will peddle with local artists who share their experiences with various stops.

June is Bike Month—June 27 is Bike to Work Day!
    Check out all the great events happening during the month.

July 1, 2018 Shared Paths Fundraiser, 2-5 pm

· Hosted by Gunbarrel Brewing Company




This forum will give us a eastern Boulder reach of our organization and will also address the safety needed to close the infrastructure gap between Boulder and Gunbarrel.

Saturday, May 19th  The Boulder Community Clean up
Shared Paths will participate in the annual all-city clean up this year. 
Our efforts and team is sponsored by Terrapin Care Station.
Terrapin Cares for the Paths!

It will be another fun time getting dirty so we can keep the Paths Clean. 
We will have goodies and lunch at The Rayback for all workers.
More details to follow.


Saturday, April 21:  Shared Paths Steward Training
10 a.m. until 12 noon
Boulder Chamber Training Room
2440 Pearl Street  (enter through doors on parking lot facing Walnut.)

November 16, 2017
The Rayback Collective
Drinks & Demos



Lighten Up Boulder Safety Campaign—Need a bike light? Check these upcoming bike light giveaway events to get yourself, or a friend, a bike light!

1. Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017
Boulder Creek Path and 9th Street
4 - 6 p.m.

2. Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017
Broadway and Euclid Underpass
4 - 6 p.m.
3. Monday, Nov. 13, 2017
Goose Creek Path and 30th Street
4 - 6 p.m.
4. Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017
Rayback Collective, Elmer’s 2-Mile Path
4 - 6 p.m.

Friday, September 22 Party for the Paths!
5:30 to 8 p.m.

West Flanders Brewing Co.There will be amazing BBQ & drinks, some skill testing yard games and the music of Flatiron Junction! Spread the word . . . It is going to be an amazing night! Address, details and tickets are available here

Summer Pop Up #1 Thursday, July 20-The Roadhouse at the Depot
Happy Hour for Happy Path Users
5 to 7 p.m. on the patio

Summer Pop Up #2 Thursday, August 17-Martin Park Shelter on Bear Creek Path
Back to School Happy Hour in the Park
5 to 7 p.m. at the Shelter

June 15, 2017-Public Art Tour via Bicycle

May 20, 2017 National Kids to Parks Day

April 22, 2017 Earth Day “love your local path” pop-up events on the SharedPaths

March 15, 2017  SharedPaths Spring Rally at Rayback happy hour 5pm-8pm  Rayback Collective

March 16, 2017  Suck the Straws out of Boulder in Partnership with Colorado Ocean Coalition
Blue Drinks, Thursday March 16th 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Taco Junky,1149 13th Street Boulder, CO

January 24, 2017  Give Back Tuesday 4pm-9pm Under The Sun Eatery & Pizzeria

Saturday, April 7:  Goose Creek Clean Up
Join us at the stairs behind The Boulder Depot Roadhouse for some
“good clean-up fun!”
We will provide gloves, tools and snacks.  You just need to join us!
We will work from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.