Trained Steward Sign-Up & Post Ride Survey
Initially stewards are required to train with Graham Hill ( Once training is complete you may schedule a ride or walk for a shift.
We encourage you to schedule a shift with a partner if you choose. This way we will have a larger presence in the purple vests.
The Process to be a Steward!
- Fill out an application here.
- Group or 1-on-1 Training will take place (1 hour)
- Schedule a shift
- Take photos of trash in bags you have collected (Goose Creek has no trash cans) move them just off the path and send to Graham
- Take interesting photos and post on SharedPaths Boulder Facebook page or send to Graham Hill or share on instagram @sharedpaths
- Follow your shift with a Post Shift Survey.
- Please try to schedule a shift each week at the same time. Try to create a pattern. This helps SPB and will give you a clear focus towards a routine.
- Thank you for being a Steward and contributing to our community on our amazing SharedPaths.