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Past Newsletters
History of Boulder Waterways
By: Karissa Courtney Background If you have lived in Boulder for any amount of time, the topic of water will always be one to come up. Whether you are trying to go swimming and can’t find many places to go, your morning walks take you along the small creeks,...
Art Focus II: Boulder Public Art
By: Karissa Courtney May 2020 A BRIEF HISTORY OF PUBLIC ART "Public art can express community values, enhance our environment, transform a landscape, heighten our awareness, or question our assumptions. Placed in public sites, this art is there for everyone, a form of...
Art Focus I: Boulder Little Libraries
By: Karissa Courtney With the onset of Covid-19 and all of the “Stay-In-Place” orders around the globe, most people are having to occupy their time with activities they usually don’t have time for. More people are playing board games, gardening, going on strolls, and...
Goose Creek Channel Improvements
by Karissa Courtney Background Boulder County and the City of Boulder have done a great job of protecting the native lands around us. Of course, it can’t be perfect with the number of people that live around here, but Boulder has shown its care for protecting...
Meet the Boulder Shared Paths
– “This path is wonderful for any visitor to Boulder”
– “A Boulder Must!”
– “A great place to walk and admire the nature”
Cheers to the 2nd Year of Path Encounters!
Team Shared Paths is excited to move forward with added Stewardship routes, opportunities to get out and share a little “PLC” on the paths (Path light cleaning . . . ) with friends and community partners and add to our ever-growing list of achievements and shared...
Steward Spotlight: Melissa Cooper
Melissa Cooper joined the Shared Paths stewards the way many of our volunteers do . . . at the invitation and urging of Graham Hill. Melissa has been building a business and while immersed in the work . . . examining her relationship to the planet and...
It was a party for the paths! everyone who came, gave and learned more about the work of Shared Paths Boulder. Please get the 2nd Annual Party for the Paths on your calendar for September 14, 2018. We promise it will be even bigger and even more fun! The Boulder Building Blocks Fund...
Steward Spotlight: Stephen Colby
Look up on the Boulder Creek or Goose Creek Shared Paths many mornings and you will see a tall, lean rider in purple working his way toward you. With his yellow debris pick-up bucket mounted to his bike, and proudly sporting his purple vest, Stephen is one...